Sunday, 11 November 2012

Wolf Sirens Fever gains momentum. I have submitted the final final blurb for publishing.

Source: via Tina on Pinterest

"Will the huntress or her heart prevail? Breaking away from the call of destiny and fearing betrayal, Lila makes a desperate escape in search of her lost beloved. The intensity between two ancient enemies ignites. The history of the wolf pack is revealed as devotion and desire in the underworld reaches fever pitch."

It never ceases to amaze me how many generous, kind people there are in the world. Writer's can include themselves in this category. I have never met a nicer bunch!

Here were my thoughts earlier last week: I must admit I have had anxiety over how book two will be perceived, which I wasn’t expecting to have. I’m gathering some people like it from the 4 stars on goodreads (?). I’d love to hear your thoughts as I don’t have many reviews yet. My editor loved it, but then the first review was three stars, so I think I shocked that particular reader a bit with how different it was. I am leaning towards adding something in the blurb about how there is a focus on the history of the pack. I love all the explanation but obviously not everyone does.

Since then I have learned that I have taken a different path to what was perhaps expected from book two (WS2) But that there is method in my madness which will hopefully take WS3 to a whole new level. Thanks to a certain author and his sage advice.
Reader Ana about Fever: "It was different yet unique way of writing. You brought your characters to life, it keep me interacting with It was pleasure to read your book." - I hope this means readers believe in my characters and want to know about them.

I have now passed my third last exam! and have two more to go before I am almost home free.
- I am telling myself that when I am done that the languishing mountain of washing I have to do will become more of a mole hill.
And I keep having a dream I am climbing up a very big hill in the alps - all this time I had thought it was the yearning in me to finish my Naturopathy Diploma!

I also really want to dig my heels into Nightfall, the third in the series.

Next week looks full up though. Dog needs to go to vet for check up, study session, three days at work (health store and bead shop), after the computer system completely crashed on Saturday and we have three new staff members to train. And my daughter has a birthday party!
- Like I said nothing much is happening;)

I am looking into doing a blog tour. And launching a comp to win a copy of Fever.

Well I'm off to do Laundry in the sun.



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