Well it has been a busy few days, as usual!
I have been promoting the hell out of Wolf Siren Forbidden free kindle days (24th to 26th Oct.).
Thankfully it has picked up. I was worried. I hit twitter with avengeance and followed like no mere mortal has before. I learnt that when you friend 2000 people that Twitter automatically stops you being able to follow anyone, until your followers catch up significantly. Thankfully they are coming in everyday.
I have cut and pasted do much I have repetitive strain. When I told my mother I spent 6 hours on twitter she laughed and said "twitter - that's for young people."I gave up trying to explain to her why this was valuable time spent.
I sent my daughter to school with flyers about Kindle and my novel Wolf Sirens and when I was thinking perhaps my efforts were futile I had a parent friend me on facebook and tell her friends about my book offer. Which was great. And my Likes and friends on my author page is starting to grow. http://www.facebook.com/wolfsirens.
Unfortunately this month I have felt pressure from all angels - work needs me to do more hours, I need to format Fever the sequel to Wolf Sirens for Smashwords (no mean feat) and I have a looming Clinical Medicine exam. Not to mention a child, a home to run aand a dog - who thankfully enjoys sleeping as a pastime while I tap away for hours on end on the keyboard.
I have networked through goodreads, trying to find other authors to praise my book Fever so that I can put a testimonial on the back cover of my book. Kevis Hendrickson (Author of Rogue Hunter) and Michael Alexander (Author of the vessel) have agreed to not only read both my books but to also give a quote. On last report they each were enjoyng Wolf Sirens and were looking forward to reading Fever.
Bloggers have been getting back to me:
Summers Writing Belle Blogspot will be featuring me on the 29th!
- As my very smart editor advised:
'As Rachel Hunter (Rod Stewart's ex-wife whom you've probably
never heard of since it's nearly a generation ago) used to say in her dreadful
NZ accent for that Hair Shampoo ad: "It won't heppen overnight but
it WILL heppen."'
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