Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Hi, well another big few days!

Work has been crazy. Fever is out officially!

I had a dud review from some guy posted on kindle, which was a big downer but since then things have been looking up today I found a nice surprize on good reads and on kindle.

A very big, big thanks to my readers particularly Erika and Sara G and Kevis Hendrickson!

I can't thank you enough for your beautiful thoughtful reviews!

Thank you for seeing what I see and appreciating what I worked so hard to create. I am so happy right now. All the late nights and hair pulling and bags under my eyes have been worth it when I read your reviews!

We will be giving away 5 free ebooks of Wolf Sirens Forbidden, and one signed paper back to Australian residents: for the week of October 29th!

Wolf Sirens is available on amazon kindle:

The sequel Wolf Sirens Fever has been released on Smashwords:


I was pleased to see 9 sales on Kindle of Wolf Sirens after no action since the freebies stopped. This has also lifted my spirits. I am so glad that there are people willing to give an unknown Aussie Indie published first time author a go!

The infection is spreading and the Fever is catching.

I am worried that I am getting too cheesy with all this marketing and I am glad I have some time to reflect on the stuff for Outskirts Press - they are publishing Fever as well.

It will probably be printed in January sometime. I would have liked to get it in for christmas but I can’t complain, things have been cooking for me.

Also I have almost forgotten about my locally printed Griffin press version of Wolf Sirens which I think will be ready next week. I can’t wait to see them.

Happy Halloween!!

P.s This is the back cover blurb of Fever Many are Born, Few are Reborn:

Eternally Cursed to Love & Not Purely Desire… 

Temperatures rise as the flames of longing still burn. The thrilling sequel to Tina Smith’s masterpiece of romance fantasy, Wolf Sirens Forbidden, continues. A shadow has fallen over the heart lands of myth and reality. Prophecy says Apollo, god of deadly plague, conspires to undo his sister’s legacy.

Increasingly, each successive slayer becomes more alluring to the enemy and the predestined struggle, to both resist and contain their fierce rival. The wolves and hunters are cursed to a mutual attraction, powerful enough to tear two worlds apart.

 The chosen is reborn broken-hearted, in the scorching embers of grief. Devastated Lila trains tirelessly as the chaste assassin never conquered by love. Forsaken, she must submit to deliver justice and protect the innocent of Shade.

But is it love or revenge which motivates her?

Will the huntress or her heart prevail? Breaking away from the call of destiny and fearing betrayal, Lila makes a desperate escape in search of her lost beloved. The intensity between two ancient enemies ignites. Devotion and Desire in the underworld reaches fever pitch.

If The Bite Doesn't Get You, Then the Fever Will

  Fever further unfolds the tale of the heroine femme fatal, on her journey in the underworld between the lands of myth and reality.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Hi, my book is going to be featured on Summer Lanes blog The writing Belle on the 29th of October, for Halloween. Spooky....
We will be giving away 5 free ebooks of Wolf Sirens, and one signed paper back to Australian residents.
Summer Lane
Writing Belle

I have successfully formatted Fever (WS2) for Smashwords. Who said you cant teach an old dog new tricks! I am especially proud of my abillity to index.

Also I had nearly 2000 downloads on Kindle Select free days. So once again for every person I followed on twitter I had one download (though obviously the downloads weren't all from twitter friends) - but its a nice correlation.

I am just waiting on the cover for Fever and it will be released on the 1st November.

Happy Halloween!

Love Tina

What happens when you fall in love with someone who barely knows you exist?
What happens when he loves you back?
What happens when you discover you are the enemy?

Thursday, 25 October 2012


Well it has been a busy few days, as usual!

I have been promoting the hell out of Wolf Siren Forbidden free kindle days (24th to 26th Oct.).

 Thankfully it has picked up. I was worried. I hit twitter with avengeance and followed like no mere mortal has before. I learnt that when you friend 2000 people that Twitter automatically stops you being able to follow anyone, until your followers catch up significantly. Thankfully they are coming in everyday.
I have cut and pasted do much I have repetitive strain. When I told my mother I spent 6 hours on twitter she laughed and said "twitter - that's for young people."
I gave up trying to explain to her why this was valuable time spent.

I sent my daughter to school with flyers about Kindle and my novel Wolf Sirens and when I was thinking perhaps my efforts were futile I had a parent friend me on facebook and tell her friends about my book offer. Which was great. And my Likes and friends on my author page is starting to grow.

Unfortunately this month I have felt pressure from all angels - work needs me to do more hours, I need to format Fever the sequel to Wolf Sirens for Smashwords (no mean feat) and I have a looming Clinical Medicine exam. Not to mention a child, a home to run aand a dog - who thankfully enjoys sleeping as a pastime while I tap away for hours on end on the keyboard.

I have networked through goodreads, trying to find other authors to praise my book Fever so that I can put a testimonial on the back cover of my book. Kevis Hendrickson (Author of Rogue Hunter) and Michael Alexander (Author of the vessel) have agreed to not only read both my books but to also give a quote. On last report they each were enjoyng Wolf Sirens and were looking forward to reading Fever.

Bloggers have been getting back to me:

Summer Lane  
Writing Belle
 Summers Writing Belle Blogspot will be featuring me on the 29th!
 - As my very smart editor advised:
'As Rachel Hunter (Rod Stewart's ex-wife whom you've probably never heard of since it's nearly a generation ago) used to say in her dreadful NZ accent for that Hair Shampoo ad:  "It won't heppen overnight but it WILL heppen."'

Monday, 22 October 2012

As an experiment I have taken Wolf Sirens Forbidden (WS1) OFF SMASHWORDS WHERE  I REACHED OVER 250 DOWNLOADS! YAY!

And enrolled it into KDP Select - an exclusive 90 day Kindle program. I am offering it free on the 24th to the 26th of October 2012.

It occured to me that this is only a couple of short days away and I realized that I would have to promote it. (ahh!)

I would like a lot of hits.
If I don't get them I might as well have stayed in Smashwords and Goodreads and kindle.

The only reason I have done this is because no.1 my editor had success with it - but she does have other titles (sales of these also benefitted). I only have one title thus far, however the sequel is coming very soon (nov 1st, smashwords).

Apparently the free days on Kindle can generate a few thousand downloads, if your lucky quite a few thousand. And the theory is these people read it and like it you get reviews and they tell their friends.

I had two reviews on smashwords despite the fact that I had one on kindle vis goodreads reviewer (thanks Neried!) I decieded to give it a wirl. Only becasue I also no.2 have a sequel coming which is where you apparently recoup all the money you lose on the first giving it away free.

The thing is no one wants to take a risk on an unknown author so your first novel is a hard sell. Very hard. I found giving it out for free was a way around this. Smashwords was brilliant and really started cooking when I really put in the man hours on sites like goodreads telling people it was free.

The whole time WS1 was on kindle I had one download.

Lets see if offering it free on KDP Select for three days chages this. Lets hope it wasnt a mistake, because it is stuck there for the better part of three months. In which time I could be losing Smashwords downloads.

And please if you down load it and read it and like it please leave a review.
Wolf Sirens Forbidden available on Amazon & Kindle FREE ON THE 24TH TO 26TH !!!

Sequel will be released on 1st November 2012 Wolf Sirens Fever
Intrigue, The Femme fatal, Goddesses, wolves, strong female protagonists, unrequited love and suspense.

Eternally Cursed to Love & Not Purely Desire… 

Temperatures rise as the flames of longing still burn in the thrilling sequel to Wolf Sirens Forbidden. The legend continues. Apollo, god of deadly plague, conspires to undo his sister’s legacy. The wolves exist between two worlds, one in the town another in the forest.

Prophecy says hunters and wolves are cursed to a mutual attraction. Increasingly, each successive slayer becomes more alluring to the wolf. The predestined enemies struggle, to both resist and contain their fierce rival in a conflict powerful enough to tear two worlds apart.

A shadow has fallen over the heart lands of myth and reality. The chosen is reborn broken-hearted, in the scorching embers of grief. Devastated, Lila trains tirelessly as the assassin. She must submit to deliver justice and protect the innocent of Shade.

But is it love or revenge which motivates her?

Will the huntress or her heart prevail? Breaking away from the call of destiny and fearing betrayal, Lila makes a desperate escape in search of her lost beloved. The intensity between two ancient enemies ignites. Devotion and desire in the underworld reaches fever pitch.

If The Bite Doesn't Get You, Then the Fever Will


Tina Smith is an herbalist, dog lover, piscean and mother with a fondness for strong female protagonist's. A love of the fantasy genre and the deep exploration of dark and evocative subjects inspired Wolf Sirens Forbidden. The sequel Fever further unfolds the tale of the heroine femme fatal, on her journey in the underworld between the lands of myth and reality.



Wednesday, 3 October 2012

'It’s not achievement, success, or a legacy. It’s a clear path to reach those things, and that path is available only by a conscious lifestyle. Expanding your awareness is the best thing you can create in life, because it serves as the foundation for meaning, purpose, inspiration, love, and personal evolution'.
- Deepak Chopra MD New York Times bestselling author.
Hi, Well, I hit some bloggers yesturday with requests for reviews. Two were lovely and got straight back to me.
Becky Johnson [] THANKS SO MUCH.
And Lunar Haven RD.  For passing on my tweet to pass it on!
I hope all the networking I have been up to yields some positive results.
My Samashwords at last count was 168 downloads (of which 35 were partial samples). And 49 downloads to smashwords libraries.
Offering your book for free means you can be more pushy with telling people. We have worked out for every hour I spend networking on the computer I get 1 download. So I have been getting around ten or more a day. Which is a change from sitting at 6 for 6 weeks.
I am still yet to master Kindle boards Linked in and I'm sure much more.
Advertising on a budget: I have two adds each on Gumtree (one free one paid), Goodreads and facebook. So they are hopefully working for me too.
I'm on kindle for $2.99. I am yet to really work that site. Because I'm now doing free on smashwords so that I can get it out there. The next book I may offer on KDP SELECT. this is exclusive for like 3 months - but if it gets hits then why not. Bev my editor is trying it when I hear back from her I will decide.
If you had have told me I would be excited about giving away my hard work when I was in the process of burning the candle - and my finances -at both ends to get it out there, my heart would have sank.
I know of I get people reading it and telling their friends, classmates and librarians about it (and librarians telling others about it). Then I can maybe make a buck on it when word spreads.
I am in the middle of editing Fever- the sequel to Wolf Sirens. 
Everyone is on holidays this week, my editor, my cover designer- and my proof reader just had an operation on her foot! and my tutor for pathology has an eye issue.
Not to worry this has given me plenty of time to live hunched over my computer in the dark for 10 hours a day, networking and networking. Advertising and promoting.
Due to my numbers on smashwords, something I am doing is working (offering it for free and telling everyone online).
the second book is were I have to make up all the money I've spent on my hobby. At least now my family is starting to take me more seriously... 
free ebook

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Got my first "It's not for me today."
On Goodreads. Also saw a lovely post from a girl in the Phillipines who gave me five stars!
I thanked her for the review which was also very lovely. I adore hearing others take on my book. To see what they took from it. She said it was dark but true.
I also had a positive comment from my facebook page from a lady in America who asked about the sequel.
Last Saturday at work I also had simillar fantastic feedback from a customer of mine who bought and read the book. She was also dying for the sequel.
So I am feeling the pressure in a good way - mostly.
I can feel the last six months of stress in getting the first and second books ready to publish has caused.
I have launched a comp on goodreads
Giveaway’s page:

Here's some five star reviews:

Thanks Aizel Sulinap. 

 Aizel Wrote: "every story deserves a happy ending, that was i thought before i read this story. the story was dark and will make you believe to the unknowns and that was the authors job. making us was difficult to know that you only love someone because there was seemed to be silly force or fate that draws both of you together but it was more difficult to know that you are the one will kill him. in true life, it never does but maybe that is why the story is believable."

Talitha wrote: "I just finished your book ... I can' t believe the ending i got tears in my eyes please tell me there is another one cause it cant end that way , Cres was my fav character always looking out for everyone .i thought lila was abit of a brat in a way ... I love that it just sucked me in the last few chapters i couldn't put down"

Message on facebook.
Heather Piantanida-pipes "Just waited to say i loved the book. The end killed me kept checking to make sure it was really the end. Do you have any idea when the next one will be out?"


-Samuel Smiles

-Mark Twian