Sunday, 17 November 2013

My name is Tina Smith. I am an author. I inspire, entertain and examine life. I write paranormal, romantic and suspense fueled tales about cursed wolves. They tend to be a little gothic and dreamy. 
I am starting a publishing co-op. I will publish your short story in a novel with other authors, including myself. I am seeking approximately 4 other authors to write a short paranormal story each. If you are an author who has at least a three star rating or above on Goodreads and Amazon and at least 25 reviews - PNR, Sci-Fi, Fantasy writers preferred (criteria is flexible) - please consider working with me. I plan to have the completed short story novel published by December next year. Participants will be chosen by me by February 2014. Stories submitted by July 2014.
I am excited about this new venture.

Benefits are you will have 5 times the marketing power to get your name out there. This is an opportunity unlike any other to cross promote your name/work and have inclusion in an anthology. You have the opportunity to earn as much money and exposure as you would having written a full novel, in less than half the time with half the effort. As well as the invaluable prospect of reaching a multitude of new readers. On top of that, you have the chance to work with other up and coming authors, who will promote your work.

Any subject matter within the PN genre is applicable - Vampires, Werewolves, Fae, Angels, Trolls, Aliens etc. I am considering Sci-fi, Fantasy and Space Opera type genre’s. Stories should be around 15, 000 words and not exceeding 20, 000 words. At this stage stories should either be geared towards the Y/A to New Adult Market. Let’s say on the cleaner side of N/A.

Each author will be responsible for the editing of their own contributed work. If the author wishes to withdraw their work from the project they can only do so after the first term of KDP Select. I will remove the story myself and resubmit the book minus the requested short story. But hopefully that won’t happen (famous last words).
All authors will be credited and links to author sites will be embedded in the book at the end of each story - up to three web addresses (Twitter, Facebook, and author’s website or Amazon Author page for example). Obviously links to competitors such as Smashwords won’t be allowed because they are Amazon’s competition. The end of the book will contain a short bio for each author with the same links - along, with a singular thank you to the reader and request to review the book online with the novels link on Amazon.

I will format the Kindle ebook. Authors are able and encouraged to review the entire work prior to publication, I will send you a pdf document. I will decide on the order of stories with a critique partners input but if you beta read I am open to suggestion of story order. Once published I will enroll the book in KDP Select for at least one term of three months (That is the required time in KDP Select). Offering one 3 day free period to kick off and another two day period, all starting on a Wednesday, approx. 6 to 8 weeks later. Authors can publish the individual contributed stories as long as it does not infringe upon Amazons KDP select policy. Further enrollment will be subject to popular vote. All monetary gain will be divided equally by myself, all documentation of earnings will be made available to all contributors - to show fair distribution of profit. Note though that this is not a goldmine and it costs to cash an international payment. When the book is not in KDP Select the price will be set at $2.99. (Direct deposit payment will be distributed every 12 to 13 months).

The book will be titled: Nightlife: Paranormal/Fantasy short stories from (insert five names).

Being N/A, stories can be scary and contain minimal violence (no rape etc) and sex. They do not have to be HEA.

The cover will be created by me using a simple licence image and font (I created all my current covers).

I will post the book on Goodreads and create a Facebook page. I will also write the blurb. (I have written all my blurbs). I will post a rafflecopter giveaway for the Facebook page. Everyone’s contribution and entitlements are otherwise equal.
The main idea is to gain exposure and network with each other and prospective readers.

Once your story has been in the book for 3 months after publication, with no complaint I will not remove it. It’s in for the long hall, or 2 years after date of publication. After which time I may or may not choose to continue to manage and promote the title and it will be dissolved. You can of course retain your story and publish it as a sole author in the short stories or whatever you wish after this time. You keep the rights to your work. You edit it (please pay someone to edit so that we have a standard). You promote it.

In the meantime the idea is that all the contributing authors promote the book wherever they can and use it as a way of getting more exposure and traffic for their other individual works.
All sales of the title will be conducted through Amazon. And again all monetary gain will be divided equally and recorded via Amazon’s Sales ranking and digital services etc. (as it does for all books). You will receive an ebook copy of the completed version and are welcome to provide it to bloggers for the purpose of review. Names will be listed in order of appearance in a double column format on the cover.

Don’t worry if you haven’t written anything yet that fits the criteria – neither have I, yet.

I don’t know if anyone has ever tried this before, but there is always a first.
I look forward to working with you!

Thanks for your interest.

Message me with questions.

Feedback is welcome.


Kindle: Forbidden; Wolf Sirens Fever;
Night Fall:
Smashwords: Forbidden; Fever:
Night Fall:

Amazon Author Page:

Thank you.

Tina Smith, Author of the Wolf Sirens Series
My name is Tina Smith. I am an author. I inspire, entertain and examine life. I write paranormal, romantic and suspense fueled tales about cursed wolves. They tend to be a little gothic and dreamy. 
I am starting a publishing co-op. I will publish your short story in a novel with other authors, including myself. I am seeking approximately 4 other authors to write a short paranormal story each. If you are an author who has at least a three star rating or above on Goodreads and Amazon and at least 25 reviews - PNR, Sci-Fi, Fantasy writers preferred (criteria is flexible) - please consider working with me. I plan to have the completed short story novel published by December next year. Participants will be chosen by me by February 2014. Stories submitted by July 2014.
I am excited about this new venture.

Benefits are you will have 5 times the marketing power to get your name out there. This is an opportunity unlike any other to cross promote your name/work and have inclusion in an anthology. You have the opportunity to earn as much money and exposure as you would having written a full novel, in less than half the time with half the effort. As well as the invaluable prospect of reaching a multitude of new readers. On top of that, you have the chance to work with other up and coming authors, who will promote your work.

Any subject matter within the PN genre is applicable - Vampires, Werewolves, Fae, Angels, Trolls, Aliens etc. I am considering Sci-fi, Fantasy and Space Opera type genre’s. Stories should be around 15, 000 words and not exceeding 20, 000 words. At this stage stories should either be geared towards the Y/A to New Adult Market. Let’s say on the cleaner side of N/A.

Each author will be responsible for the editing of their own contributed work. If the author wishes to withdraw their work from the project they can only do so after the first term of KDP Select. I will remove the story myself and resubmit the book minus the requested short story. But hopefully that won’t happen (famous last words).
All authors will be credited and links to author sites will be embedded in the book at the end of each story - up to three web addresses (Twitter, Facebook, and author’s website or Amazon Author page for example). Obviously links to competitors such as Smashwords won’t be allowed because they are Amazon’s competition. The end of the book will contain a short bio for each author with the same links - along, with a singular thank you to the reader and request to review the book online with the novels link on Amazon.

I will format the Kindle ebook. Authors are able and encouraged to review the entire work prior to publication, I will send you a pdf document. I will decide on the order of stories with a critique partners input but if you beta read I am open to suggestion of story order. Once published I will enroll the book in KDP Select for at least one term of three months (That is the required time in KDP Select). Offering one 3 day free period to kick off and another two day period, all starting on a Wednesday, approx. 6 to 8 weeks later. Authors can publish the individual contributed stories as long as it does not infringe upon Amazons KDP select policy. Further enrollment will be subject to popular vote. All monetary gain will be divided equally by myself, all documentation of earnings will be made available to all contributors - to show fair distribution of profit. Note though that this is not a goldmine and it costs to cash an international payment. When the book is not in KDP Select the price will be set at $2.99. (Direct deposit payment will be distributed every 12 to 13 months).

The book will be titled: Nightlife: Paranormal/Fantasy short stories from (insert five names).

Being N/A, stories can be scary and contain minimal violence (no rape etc) and sex. They do not have to be HEA.

The cover will be created by me using a simple licence image and font (I created all my current covers).

I will post the book on Goodreads and create a Facebook page. I will also write the blurb. (I have written all my blurbs). I will post a rafflecopter giveaway for the Facebook page. Everyone’s contribution and entitlements are otherwise equal.
The main idea is to gain exposure and network with each other and prospective readers.

Once your story has been in the book for 3 months after publication, with no complaint I will not remove it. It’s in for the long hall, or 2 years after date of publication. After which time I may or may not choose to continue to manage and promote the title and it will be dissolved. You can of course retain your story and publish it as a sole author in the short stories or whatever you wish after this time. You keep the rights to your work. You edit it (please pay someone to edit so that we have a standard). You promote it.

In the meantime the idea is that all the contributing authors promote the book wherever they can and use it as a way of getting more exposure and traffic for their other individual works.
All sales of the title will be conducted through Amazon. And again all monetary gain will be divided equally and recorded via Amazon’s Sales ranking and digital services etc. (as it does for all books). You will receive an ebook copy of the completed version and are welcome to provide it to bloggers for the purpose of review. Names will be listed in order of appearance in a double column format on the cover.

Don’t worry if you haven’t written anything yet that fits the criteria – neither have I, yet.

I don’t know if anyone has ever tried this before, but there is always a first.
I look forward to working with you!

Thanks for your interest.

Message me with questions.

Feedback is welcome.


Kindle: Forbidden; Wolf Sirens Fever;
Night Fall:
Smashwords: Forbidden; Fever:
Night Fall:

Amazon Author Page:

Thank you.

Tina Smith, Author of the Wolf Sirens Series

Sunday, 3 November 2013

2000 Likes Prizes. Like my authors page Share the Link and comment on it to win Jewellery, stickers, Crystal sun catcher and a signed paperback Tina Smith Wolf Sirens Forbidden

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

This is for dog owners: Interesting morning, here's a story for you. I struggled out of bed at 8.00, bleary-eyed and patted my sweet Billey who was stretching on the bed, before rising with me to get dressed. Twenty minutes of maddness followed of school bags, lunches and hair brushes. Before we found his lead and took off for our morning walk to school. He pulls me along, barks at birds, looks over fences and lunges towards cats. He is a dog and he is the sweetest most intellgent loving animal.
When we were mostly there I felt the dog pull back and though I attempted to drag him forwards (which is odd becasue he usually walks me), when I saw why. He was taking a dump and I had rudely dragged him, he gave me a somewhat annoyed look but as he obviously needed to go, he dropped a steamer on the grassy medium strip.
Now being the responsible pet owner/citizen that I am I quickly pulled a large scented glad bag from my pocket and hurriedly scooped it up, holding my breath and then I promptly put it in the nearest garbage bin, as it was bin day the street was linned with them.
On my way back 10 minutes later a lady came out of the house and addressed me in her driveway asking if I had put something in her bin. I very honestly replied that, yes I had scooped up my dogs poo and put in a garbage bag and disposed of it. She asked me to kindly not do it again and that I should put it in my own bin (which was three streets away). I said okay then, I will take it out. She started saying I could leave it this time but I said "No I enjoy the smell." (sarcastically) and I took the warm bag out of her bin and was quite determined to take it all the way home when I had hardly made it two steps when a lady and her one year old baby asked to pat my beautiful dog. I was standing there as the little child patted him, holding the stinking bag when I gave up and threw it in her nieghbours bin instead. The woman with the baby wished me a good day and I replied in kind. Next time I may leave it on the medium strip in front of the angry womans house (even though this is illegal). Also I didn't deliberately plan for my dog to shit or to use the womans bin. Nor do I want to carry a fresh dog terd for half a kilometre while I am on my walk meeting babies and other people with senses of smell. I am sure her bin stank before the shit went in and that it will stink after becasue it is a garbage bin!
I am not saying she was right or wrong or that I was right, but jesus christ am I supposed to not walk my dog, lock him up and put a nappy on him?
-hey if you can't do anything about it, have a good bitch on your blog, right?

Saturday, 13 April 2013

I can’t feel you, loving me, from across the room.

Promises broken like shattered dreams across the cabin floor, separate you and me like water that I desire to cross, to feel the cut, rather than nothing, to feel you. As my lunar skin leaks rivers of blood that soak the forest floor with my emotion. It hurts but not as much as one look from you, angry - that cuts my personallity. I bleed for you but you don’t bleed for me and it hurts to be so close and yet so alone. As you stare at me intimidatingly. My need drains me and it’s you that sustains me, but you are across a wide sea of shattered glass stained with the red tears of my love for you.  And across it you don’t reach, neither to comfort me or tend the wound. Won’t you hold me instead of staring through me, coldly. Will you end it soon?

-     Tina Smith

Monday, 18 March 2013

List of characters I made for the beginning of book three Wolf Sirens Night Fall

Tisane Hunter

Tormey Hunter

Cresida James

Tabetha Horrel

Bronsen James

Lila Crain

Sophie Knight/Crain

Caroline Doil

Sam’s pack

Samantha Thompson

Sky Harton

Bianca Benson

Lily Page

Jackson Hastings

Reid Davies

Giny Archer

Mountain Pack





Bert (Robert)

Cult Pack

Paws (Dieter Pawston)


Blair Whitlock

Greg Sutton

Angele Bekert

Shelly Bealy






Reviews from the Tour
Lila struggles to make friends and be accepted. Finally she is accepted by "the in group" and things get better for awhile. Again she is rejected from the group and is miserable but this time she loses someone that has come to mean a lot to her.


Full of paranormal suspense and teen angst, this book will keep you reading.

4 stars

Victoria Storm


I love the incorporated mythology into this book. I found it interesting before, but after reading this book, I love the story even more. The uniqueness of this book surprised me. The Author did such an amazing job of coming up with something new. I will not get this book confused with another similar work- because there is no book near this one.


I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was shocked at the end. I had not expected that. The author took risks and they paid off.

If you want a book with Mythology, mystery, heartache, confusion, romance, and –oh, yeah- wolves, then check this series out

4 Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Smith creates a world where mythology meets reality to give birth these magical creatures with sassy personalities. With a story told from Lila’s point of view, Wolf Sirens introduces us in the path of an extraordinary girl.

This is a story with a beautiful writing style, a solid story upon which the wolves myth is built and with likable characters. One of the strongest point of the book is the ability the author has to keep us conjecturing all the time, to not reveal unnecessary information and most important to really portrait the passion and strength behind Lila’s actions

My Review

The author does a wonderful job putting her own spin in mythology. Yes there is a lot of werewolf books out but these one will have no problem standing out on it's own. The way it is written is wonderful and seems different. I really like the authors way of writing. The plot has a twist to it that does leave you wanting more. If you think you have read all the same old books about werewolves pick this one up. I am sure it will change your mind.

4 out of 5 Stars

-Pam Richmond

Wolf Sirens was a mixture of paranormal and mythology, the legend of Artemis leads for an intriguing read. I liked the way this was paced, you are not sure what the secrets each of the teens is keeping or what their interest in Lila, but as it unfolds the book is impossible to put down. I can’t wait until the next book in the series, it looks to be an exceptional series.

- Em


Book Signings scheduled at Dymocks West Lakes Adelaide  on the 1st June and also on the 15th June at Dillons books on Parade.
 Tina’s answer to twilight.

The female protagonist, Lila is just an ordinary girl with dreams, which dull even her, until she meets the angelic faced teenagers that invite her into their clique. Shocked to discover they are werewolves as one attacks her, she is saved by the mysteriously scared Cresida James. Enamoured with the wolves, suddenly, deeply, driven by forbidden desire she longs to be part of their eternal world. Suspense builds as she learns their secret, but then must come to terms with the fact that she is the one thing that threatens their existence. Chosen by the spirit of Artemis, what she is, and who she is are two different people and somewhere inside her the love and desire she feels dooms her to make choices, which will either go against her kind or destroy the creatures she loves.  

I have enrolled in KDP SELECT and will have free days on the 27th to the 31st of March!

 In the next couple of days I will donate some books to my local super school library. I organised to have a press release via Instructions:  0.99 cent books Dot com. I will pitch local radio and local messenger news paper about my signings in June. In other news I received a cheque from a chain of local book stores The Book Boys, downside was I already spent the same amount on advertising. I have joined every free book facebook page I could find and I will have to tell bloggers about my free days on KDP. Does anyone have any other ideas?

 Likes are good too, I reciprocate. Thanks for the great feedback so far.

 Here's my Facebook; Forbidden; Wolf Sirens on amazon:  Sequel: Wolf Sirens Wolf Sirens Fever;

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Teaser for Wolf Sirens 3! Night Fall (WS3).

They didn’t move, I glanced at her and noticed she still held the arrows. “Put down the arrows, these are our friends,” I scolded her.
“Ha,” laughed Jackson. “She’s smaller than you,” he teased with a bemused lop sided grin.
“She’s strong,” commented Angeles meek voice from behind him, she rubbed her wrists and we all glanced at Caroline.
“So this is what you’ve been hiding,” Reid exclaimed wide eyed, obviously feeling better. He appraised her approvingly “Hi Doll face.”
“Don’t call me doll face,” she hissed.
“What are you gonna do about it?”
“Break off your dick.”
He looked amused and then suddenly he laughed, but halted instantly when she broke an arrow between her hands as it made a snap.

Forbidden and Fever Blog Tour Dates!

January 14: On the Broomstick January
January 15: Crazy Four Books
January 16: Long and Short Reviews
January 17: Reading with Anacrasia
January 18: Book- Marks the Spot http://caughtinasnyderwebb.blogspot.c...
January 22: The Wormhole
January 23: Booked and Loaded
January 23: STOP 2 It's Raining Books
January 24: Musings From An Addicted Reader
January 25: Racing To Read
Thanks Caragh for Hosting Me in 2013!:
Shout out to Ruth who is hosting me in Feb: http://booksaremywayofliving.blogspot...
Coffee time romance is reviewing my book soon... on:
January 28: Immortality and Beyond
February 4: Book 'Em North Carolina
February 4: STOP 2/Promo Frankie Blooding's Bookshelf
February 11: Books and Other Spells
February 18: Andi's Book Reviews
February 25: Book- Marks the Spot
March 1st Blog:
March 4: Christine Young Romance Writer http://christineyoung-romancewriter.b...
March 4: STOP 2 Author Jinni James
March 11: Melissa Keir- Sexy Between the Covers 18: A Pen and Fire
March 25: Realmantic Moments
April 1: Janna Shay's Fair Play
April 8: Tina Donahue Presents
April 15: It's Raining Books

Wednesday, 9 January 2013